Responsibilities 448-01-15
State Responsibilities 448-01-15-05
(Revised 3/1/12 ML #3304)
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The North Dakota Department of Human Services is responsible to administer, allocate, and distribute state and federal funds. These funds are made available for the purpose of providing financial assistance and services to eligible individuals and families who do not have sufficient income, assets, or other resources to meet their financial and medical needs. The state office is responsible to direct and supervise county social service office activities.
Employees who have access to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Social Security Administration (SSA) information received through a computer match are required to receive initial and annual safeguard training. The training includes IRS and SSA requirements, confidentiality requirements, and the Privacy Act. The training addresses statutes governing the release of such data and penalties for unauthorized access to, or unauthorized disclosure of such data.
The department is responsible to develop and ensure staff complete the training. Staff must take the training upon start of employment and annually thereafter. TECS access will be revoked for failure to complete the annual training in the allotted timeframe. The training is available through E-Learning and includes information regarding:
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements
- Social Security Administration (SSA) requirements
- Confidentiality and safeguarding requirements
- The Privacy Act
- Statutes governing the release of such data
- Penalties for unauthorized access to or unauthorized disclosure of such data